Monday, March 25, 2024

Why Competitive Tunes Must Be Reflashed to Stock

We have been getting more and more ECUs coming to us with competitive tunes on them with client's wanting improvements.  This is something we can accomodate but it does require additional steps.  We are able to develop tunes but our PG3 Programmer can only read ECUs with stock files.

If your ECU is tuned with a non-stock file, it will need to be reverted to stock.  We have found that some competitive files use Euro tunes as their base.  This causes several issues the least of which is our PG3's inability to read it.

If you have an ECU but don't know if it has been tuned previously, you can send it to us to read.  Reading the file will reveal if it has been modified by others.  See the attached image.

 If your ECU has a competitive tune, you will need to revert it to stock.  If you are unable to do it, we can do it (at additional cost) for you.

A stock file will look like this image below.

Once your ECU has a stock file in it, you can use our PG3 to read the file via your OBDII port.  You will read the file and email it to us.  We then modify it and send it back to you.  You can then upload it into your ECU via the OBDII port.

The best aspect of our PG3 system is that you can flash back to stock at any time and revert your car without reliance on anyone else.

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