Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lifting Your Evora onto Floor Stands

Mid-engined cars usually require the rear of the car to be lifted to conduct typical maintenance like oil changes.  If you don't have a lift, then reversing the car onto ramps is the technique many people utilize.  This of course is a sketchy proposition.  We have come up with a simple and safe way for you to lift your Evora and place it onto floor stands.

Suggested tools:

Step 1: Place the niftyLIFTY onto your floor jack

Step 2: Position the rubber pads of the niftyLIFTY at the seam between the rear difusser & undertray

Step 3: Lift car until higher than flatJACKS

Step 4: Place flatJACKS in one of two positions:
  • Position1: under the niftyLIFTY as shown below

  • Position 2: under the chassis where the lower control arms attach to the chassis

We like this position best
note location carefully

We like the Position 2 best as it gives you full access to the rear diffuser if you plan to remove it.  This make muffler changes or inspections a much easier process.  Of course sometimes Position1 is best if you simply need to pull the wheels, etc.

Lifting a car is dangerous - especially if you plan to work under it.  We assume you understand the basics of floor stand placement and use.  Working on your car can be rewarding - just use the right tools to ensure you don't get hurt.  

Watch our video below to see us lift an Elise and the an Evora:


  1. Lifting capacity is an important design feature that determines the amount of load a floor jack can handle. As a matter of fact, the floor jack lifting capacity may range from 2 tons to more than 4 tons. A Pittsburgh floor jack is more useful than those normal jacks.

  2. A jack is a device that uses force to lift heavy loads. The primary mechanism with which force is applied varies, depending on the specific type of jack, but is typically a screw thread or a hydraulic cylinder. To be the best Jack Stand there must be some criteria present.
