Thursday, April 4, 2013

CF Big Bottom Seat Installed - Customer Testimonial

Installed in Elise SC
Fitting seats into an Elise or Exige has been the bane of our existence in this market!  Several years ago, my friend Steve from JDM Password, was starting a carbon fiber manufacturing company and asked me if he could make us a seat.  I told him I needed a seat that would fit into the stock seat sliders but also accommodate larger hips - the stock seats tended to pinch larger drivers, even causing numbness in some.  I gave him the seat out of my '06 Exige.  It took him a couple of years but he developed the following seats that we introduced to the market.  Our CF Big Bottom Seat has become a great solution for clients looking for more comfort or a seat that will allow harness installation.  Best of all, it also allows you to run your stock 3pt belt.

The following testimonial came in from a happy client today:

Great stuff! The anti-sub bars and Big-Bottom CF seats came in. I have them installed. Please use the attached photos if you want. The seat name is a bit of a misnomer. The seats are actually a copy of the Exige racing seat, but in carbon fiber. So those of us with average bottoms actually feel like we are sitting in the factory seats. The Big-Bottom CF seats are absolutely drop-in compatible. Perfect fitment to the factory passenger and driver seat mounts in my 2011 Elise SC. Took less than 2 hours to do the complete install. The center console has plenty of room, a problem I had with other "Universal" seats (Cobra Racer 7). The CF Bigbottom seats are magical. Thanks again. Please use my input on your site. As a consumer, there is woefully little information out there for detailed reports.  J. Bennett
He also provided us with some great pictures showing his installation of our 5th pt anti-sub straps using our Anti-Sub Belt Bar.  With our Schroth harnesses, this becomes an easy upgrade that provides fantastic security in aggressive driving.  FYI: the design of this bar is similar to the one used by Lotus on the 340R.  Simple and effective!

Note Anti-Sub Bar and installation of Anti-sub strap.

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